Monday 3 December 2012

Alat mengatasi kecurangan pasangan

WASHINGTON - Sesuai untuk mereka yang tidak mempercayai pasangan masing-masing, ciptaan terbaru ini dipercayai boleh mendapatkan semula pesanan ringkas dan mesej yang telah dibuang daripada telefon bimbit seseorang. 

Pemacu simpanan data mudah alih (USB) yang digelar iRecovery Stick ini direka untuk mendapatkan semula maklumat yang telah dipadam daripada telefon bimbit iPhone keluaran syarikat Apple. Ia juga mampu mengesan maklumat panggilan, buku telefon dan pemetaan, yang akan menunjukkan destinasi dilawati pengguna telefon itu. 

Tidak hairan, alat kecil itu begitu diminati individu yang mengesyaki pasangan mereka mempunyai hubungan dengan orang lain. “Pemacu USB ini sesuai untuk semua orang termasuk isteri dan suami yang mengesyaki pasangan masing-masing dan kekasih,” kata jurucakap syarikat pengeluar Paraben, Ray Couch.  “Ia juga disasarkan kepada majikan dan polis,” katanya. - Agensi

Jodoh manusia

 ”Dan di antara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah Dia menciptakan untukmu isteri-isteri dari jenismu sendiri, supaya kamu cenderung dan merasa tenteram kepadanya, dan dijadikan-Nya di antaramu rasa kasih dan sayang. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda bagi kaum yang berfikir.” (QS Ar Rum : 21)

”Dan segala sesuatu Kami ciptakan berpasang-pasangan supaya kamu mengingat kebesaran Allah.” ( QS Adz Dzariyaat : 49)

Jodoh pertemuan semua sudah di tentukan Ilahi, memang tidak di nafikan.
Tapi kita sebagai hamba yang memiliki kudrat, boleh berusaha bagi mendapat jodoh yang sesuai dengan kehendak kita.
Setiap manusia punyai cara yang berbeda untuk di pertemukan dengan jodohnya. 

Sudah menjadi ketetapan, lelaki yang baik akan bertemu dengan wanita yang baik, masakan seorang lelaki yang suka berjudi bisa mendapatkan wanita solehah di kedai judi.

Memang tiada yang mustahil, tetapi realitinya sukar untuk mendapatkan pertemuan sebegitu rupa, kecuali ianya telah di susun Allah

Berusahalah untuk mendapatkan yang terbaik dalam hidupmu
LEBAH yang baik akan mendatangi  BUNGA yang banyak madunya.
LALAT yang paling menjijikkan akan mendatangi BANGKAI yang sudah busuk baunya.
Jadi marilah perBAIKi diri, niscaya pasangan kitapun akan BAIK.
Jadilah wanita solehah dan lelaki yang soleh,
nescaya pasangan kita pun akan sama.

”Wanita-wanita yang keji adalah untuk laki-laki yang keji, dan laki-laki yang keji adalah buat wanita-wanita yang keji (pula), dan wanita-wanita yang baik adalah untuk laki-laki yang baik dan laki-laki yang baik adalah untuk wanita-wanita yang baik (pula).”  (QS An Nur:26)

Semoga bertemu jodohnya

Friday 16 December 2011

Winning Attitude for SUCCESS-In The Right Direction,,,

1-Beginning and Developing Your Career through TEAMWORK
-All teams are groups of individual. However, true teammates generate a special energy. This energy develops as team members work together fusing their energies and talents to deliver tangible performance results.
-The benefits for teamwork, among others are:
 i-Distributing the workload
ii-Reinforcing individual capabilities
iii-Creating participation and involvement
iv-Making better decisions
v-Generating a diversity of ideas
-Teams make or break an organization. Therefore, no matter which career path you take, playing your part or contributing to your team will ensure your success.
2-Using the Power of Being RESOURCEFUL
-Being resourceful means being able to make decisions quickly. Leaders who are resourceful, make things happen when the chips are down and the situation looks bleak. This is a wonderful quality for a great leader to possess.
-In the fast paced world we live in, there are plenty of opportunities to sharpen our resourcefulness. Challenges occur daily in our lives, that require us being resourceful. Being aware of this quality and seeking the skills it takes to be more resourceful, can make a big difference in your life and those around you.

3-Harnessing the Power of SPEECH and PRESENTATION to Move Your Careee Forward
-The ability to express your ideas is the assence of your success. Verbal expression will be one on one or in small groups. There will be times though that you will be involved in more formal and public speaking in front of a larger crowd.

-Don’t be nervous. Many speakers lack the skills and confidence to make effective presentations.
-For  an effective presentation, there are only 4 main steps that you’ll need to master:
i-Formulate a strategy for the specific audience
ii-Develop a flexible, flowing structure
iii-Combined prepared material with an enhancing, not distracting, presentation style; it is important to remember that how you present is as important as what you present
iv-Supplement the presentation with confident, informed responses to questions and challenges. Remember always look your audience in the eye, don’t shy away from them
-By following these basic steps, you’ll be well on your way to getting your message across effectively.
4-DRESS for Success
-Remember, your clothes are there to enhance your image
-Your personal style- do you feel at home in a suit or more comfortable in smart casual clothing? Both can be appropriate in today’s working environment
-Shoes-  a great outfit and a hairstyle can be ruined by a dirty or worn out pair of shoes. Pay attention to wear and tear on footwear and take action
-Clothes- Nothing tight or too baggy. You will feel uncomfortable with your image choices and suffer a lack of confidence as a result
-80% of our visual attention is focused on the ‘newscaster’ area (head and shoulder)
-Aim to be remembered for who you are, not what you wear
5-The Professional Circle or The Political Circle
-When you enter an office environment, you will meet a lot of different types of people with unique personalities and character. Remind yourself that you’re there for business, not other people’s business
-Make as many friends as you can
-Respect all your peers regardless of their designation or their department
-Don’t get involve in other people’s problems or take sides when problem arise
-If an when you are told other people’s secret, keep them to yourself
-Treat others as you like to be treated. Remember, respect is earned , not given.
6-Set GOALS-Commit to Direction
-When you start work, have a career goal in mind. The first office or company you work with may not be the only company you  stay with for the rest of the career. Remember, the learning’s process doesn’t end when you graduate; rather, it starts when you begin your career.
-Keep an open mind and learn from your peers
-Complete all your given tasks and assignments
-Whenever possible, exceed the expectation of your peers and boss

7-Managing Your WORK, Managing Your TIME
-The reason you are hired by your employer is because you possess certain skills set and qualities that are an asset to them. It’s important that you complete your work on time with quality.
-When given a task, jot down notes
-Set your task based on priorities, you can set them based on their deadlines, not necessarily what comes first.
-Complete your task on time, every time
-Do your work with enthusiasm and passion, it shows in the end result
-It’s ok to ask for assistance and be honest if you feel over burdened by your responsibilities