Wednesday 14 December 2011

interview tips

Before The Interview
1-Company Background
-Find out the nature of the company
-Does your qualification meet their criteria?
-What attracted you to the job description?
-What makes you unique and stand out from the rest?
2-Prepare Question
-Asking demonstrateyour level of interest in the position
-Be prepare to answer typical questions like:
*How would you describe yourself?
*What can you contribute to the organization?
3-Look Sharp and Smart
-Your presentation will make a statement of yourself
-1st impression count!!!

During The Interview
1-Body language
-Begin with a firm handshake
-Maintain a good eye contact with the interviewers
-Confident and smile but avoid nervous laughter
-Composure that demonstrate confident
-Before responding to a question, pause and think about what you want to say. This will avoid irrelevant or weak response.
                -Highlight your strengths
-Sell your qualities that apply to the position
-Be prepared to expand on what is stated in your resume
-Prove that you are the right fit for the position

After The Interview
1-Ask for feedback on your interview performance
-Feedback on your strengths and weakness in an interviews allows you to polish your performance level and avoid making the same mistake
-By seeking feedback you reflect your seriousness to improve
2-Follow up with a phone call or email
-This highlights your proactive and responsible nature
-Following up shows great interest and could potentially get you ahead of the rest!!!

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